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Ebony M. Tutora: Helping Women Heal, Rise, and Step Into Their Power

There are people who inspire, and then there are those who ignite transformation. Ebony M. Tutora is the latter. As a Life & Spiritual Coach and the visionary behind Queens Recognize Queens, Ebony has dedicated her life to helping women reclaim their power, heal from past wounds, and embrace the fullness of who they are. Her work isn’t just about motivation — it’s about deep, lasting transformation. Through a unique blend of inner-child healing, mindset mastery, and mindfulness, she guides women on a journey of self-discovery, self-love, and unshakable confidence.

With personal experience as her foundation and a mission to uplift one million women and girls worldwide, Ebony is more than a coach — she’s a movement. In this exclusive feature, she opens up about her journey, her purpose, and how she’s helping women turn their pain into power.

Your journey is one of resilience and transformation. What was the defining moment that led you to step into your purpose as a Life & Spiritual Coach?

Ebony: A near-death experience at the age of 19 served as a catalyst moment in my life. It propelled me into a posture of strength, belief, and deeply seeking to know God, and myself better.

Queens Recognize Queens is such a powerful movement. What does being a ‘Queen’ truly mean to you, and how do you help women step into their royal energy?

Ebony: Being a Queen is about being confident, sure, and deeply seated in your worth as a woman. We are brilliant enough to birth nations, movements and so much more, and it’s our time to stand in that brilliance, and shine. I help women step into that energy with my 3-modality focus of inner-child healing, mindset mastery, and mindfulness. With these three powerful pillars, I am helping her to navigate from her past to her future best self.

Please tell our readers more about yourself and about any projects or initiatives you’re currently working on.

Ebony: I’m currently in a space of re-launching my successful program called “7-days of clarity.” A 7-day intensive to usher women into high understanding, being, and to reintegrate them into a higher mind, body, spirit alignment, so they can step out of repetitive self-sabotaging behaviors, and into deeper wisdom of self, and God. It’s a powerful program, and I’m excited to be back in a space of sharing it with the world.

Oftentimes, women struggle with truly recognizing their worth. What daily practices do you recommend for women to build unshakable self-love and confidence?

Ebony: So true! Well it’s very engrained in us to lack confidence. Whether that’s being taught to compare ourselves with other women, or being downplayed as if we cannot do something BECAUSE we are women. As cliché as it sounds, we have to practice self-love & confidence. It’s interwoven into all of our choices, down to what we choose to eat. At a very basic level it’s how we dress, what we say “yes,” and “no,” to. But, most importantly it will be amplified by choosing to do what’s scary, and on a soul level, getting into the contents of our minds through meditation so we can deeply become aware of why we play small. (Go into inner-child mode) Truly I have learned that self-love is deeply healing and spiritual.

Many women wear multiple hats — mother, entrepreneur, partner, friend — but often neglect themselves in the process. How can women prioritize their healing and self-care without guilt?

Ebony: You just do it. Guilt is an emotion that most likely is stemming from our inner-child not being able to honor themselves, and might have even learned to abandon themselves “for the greater good.” Here’s the thing,if you’re always giving from an empty cup, you’re giving poison to those around you, so it’s best to navigate the healing needed to remove guilt and put yourself first!

Turning pain into peace is a powerful concept. How can women reframe their pain as a stepping stone rather than an obstacle?

Ebony: As Eric Thomas says “you’re already in pain, do something about it.” The reason why we’ll live in pain is really two-fold. 1. It’s familiar, and no matter how self-sabotaging it may be, we will gravitate towards what’s familiar. 2. Your brain is here to help you stay safe, not to be happy. So keeping you “safe,” may look like living with that pain. We have to simply understand these concepts so we can see WHY we stay stuck. The next step is to ask yourself better questions like: “Can I live with this pain for another 5–10 years?” Questions that put time into perspective so one can see the bigger picture, and value the fact that we don’t really have time, or shouldn’t use our God-gifted time on this planet living in pain and misery. There is another way.

For women who aspire to be leaders, healers, and change-makers in their own way, what’s your best advice for stepping into that power and creating impact?

Ebony: Again, JUST DO IT! Start small and make those movements. Whether that’s in your circles, the small communities you know… just do it. Our gifts are about remembering that it’s not about us, and gifts are meant to be given. I truly believe this is why healing must be the foundation of “where to start,” because we often don’t start out of fear of being judged, or failing, when neither won’t matter because our gifts are bigger than any of that.

If you could leave every woman reading this with one affirmation to carry in her heart, what would it be and why?

My favorite self-love affirmation is “When I choose me from the purity of my heart, it’s for the greatest good of all.” This affirmation for me helps me to get rid of the shame and guilt, and recognize that my heart posture in making whatever choice it was, will benefit all involved.



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